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Healthiest Juice Recipes Why Juice

Juicing To Cure Disease

  Do you feel like eating enough fruits and veggies is one of the hardest tasks to achieve? Well, you are not alone on that one, it happens to everyone. That doesn’t, however, mean you have to accept the status

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Best Juicer To Buy

Juicer Reviews

Why Buy A Juicer? In this article I hope to help you decide the best juicer to buy for home use for your own priorities. Deciding to implement juicing into your diet is a healthy step in the right direction.

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Healthiest Juice Recipes Juicing To cure Disease

Juice Recipes

If you are looking to including juicing in your everyday diet, then you will want some recipes to try out. This is a list of all of the recipes that I have tried and love. They are delicious and nutritious!

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About Us

Welcome to Healthiest Juice Recipes!

This blog started after my own battle with being overweight and as a result having high cholesterol and high blood pressure. I was low in energy, I wasn’t happy with how I felt and I was heading down the path to a heart attack, or worse.

I decided to take back control of my health by changing to a plant based diet. This gave me some great results; I had started to lose some weight and I had a lot more energy.

I soon discovered juicing and instantly loved it!

This was a fast and easy way that I could up my plant based nutrition intake every single day. Juicing helped to speed up my road to a healthier and more energetic me. After only a couple of months, test showed that I had significantly reduced my bad cholesterol and my blood pressure had dropped to a normal level.

I have since dedicated my time to finding out why I got these results. As I soon found out, having a plant based diet can help with a lot more serious conditions than I had suffered. I felt that I had to share what I have learned over the past few years on this journey, in the hope to help and inspire others who want to take back control of their own health. And so I am very proud to present ‘Healthiest Juice Recipes.’

My hope is that I can empower other people to take control of their own health, no matter their situation.



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