Beetroot Juice Health Benefits

Beetroot Juice Health Benefits
Beetroot Juice Health Benefits

Since beginning juicing, we have been taking time to review various fruits and vegetables and their individual benefits for our health. Every fruit and vegetable bring another unique set of benefits and beetroot is no different. This time we will take an in-depth look at beetroot juice health benefits for your body.

Beetroot juice health benefits are far-reaching. Beetroot juice provides a host of essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients necessary for optimal health. There are many different fruits and vegetables to choose from when planning your juice drinks and beetroot is a great one to consider adding in to your health plan.

We will take a close look at the many beetroot juice health benefits both for overall health and weight loss.

Continue reading to find out more about beetroot juice health benefits.

Beetroot: A Powerhouse of Essential Nutrients

Beetroot juice contains a multitude of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients. We’re going to look at many of these nutrients individually and explore what they do for our bodies to keep us healthy to discover a number of beetroot juice health benefits.


Beetroot Juice Health Benefits

Nitrates are possibly one of the most important compounds in beetroot. Nitrates help lower blood pressure, improve stamina for exercise and other activities, and slow or even prevent dementia. Why? Nitrates become nitric acid upon consumption. Nitric acid helps to widen blood vessels and relax them, allowing blood to flow smoothly through veins and arteries.

Betalaines, responsible for giving beets their color, are an antioxidant that has been shown to have preventive capabilities against some types of cancer.

Potassium is an electrolyte mineral hat promotes the functioning of nerves and muscles. Most of us have likely felt the effects of low potassium at least once in our lives.

Calcium is a mineral that is necessary for healthy bone growth and maintenance. Your heart, muscles and nerves also need calcium. Low calcium can cause osteoporosis.

Iron is mineral that is important for several reasons. Iron helps to promote energy, focus and cognitive function. It also promotes proper function of vital processes such as oxygenation of your blood, digestion, a healthy immune system and body temperature regulation.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient that is extremely important for enzymes in your body to function properly. Magnesium helps to activate Vitamin D which is essential for bone health. Additionally, magnesium assists your body in absorbing calcium properly.

It lowers the risk of Type 2 Diabetes, helps to prevent migraines, reduces the symptoms associated with Premenstrual Syndrome, promotes a healthy heart, and lowers anxiety.

Manganese, while only needed in trace amounts, is required for several vital physiological systems. Manganese helps increase bone density, especially helpful as both men and women age and lose bone mass. It reduces the risks caused by harmful free radicals. It reduces inflammation, regulates blood sugar, and improves brain function.

Phosphorous is a mineral occurring in every single cell in your body. It also makes up ONE PERCENT of your total body weight. It is needed for your bones and teeth to be formed properly. It is vital for how your body uses carbohydrates, fats and produces proteins. It assists the B vitamins for properly functions kidneys, muscles, heart rhythm, and communication with the nervous system.

Fiber helps to regulate bowel functions and increases white blood cells.

Glutamine is a naturally occurring amino acid in your body. It aids in digestion and promotes your immune system. Probably most spectacularly is its ability to aid other processes and organs when they are distressed by carrying essential compounds to them.


Among the many beetroot juice health benefits is betaine. Betaine, originally discovered in beets, can be found in other sources, but is most commonly associates with beets. Betaine is an amino acid, also called TMG.

Betaine aids digestion by promoting production of stomach acids needed for proper absorption of nutrients and helps control candida. Betaine has many cardiovascular benefits by controlling homocysteine levels and protects arteries from hardening.

Betaine helps prevent fatty deposits in your liver. Or, if you already have them, helps to reduce them. These fatty deposits can lead to fatty liver disease. Betaine also helps to protect your liver from harmful chemicals and toxins.

Betaine also has been shown to increase muscle mass and reduce fat because of the way it works to metabolize proteins. Betaine is gaining traction in the exercise supplement field, similarly to creatine. Betaine is a unique amino acid and just one of the many beetroot juice health benefits to consider.

Benefits of Beetroot for Weight Loss


Benefits of Beetroot for Weight Loss

What other beetroot juice health benefits exist? What are the benefits of beetroot for weight loss?

Beetroots aid in weight loss for a few different reasons. One is that beetroot is full of nitrates. Nitrates improve cell’s energy use leading to more efficient oxygen use during workouts. This helps people to be able to work out for longer periods of time, therefore burning more fat and calories.

Additionally, beetroot juice contains NO fat, is very high in dietary fiber and loaded with vitamins and minerals. Dietary fiber is very important for weight loss efforts as it aids in digestion and lowers cholesterol.

Many of us head into strict diet plans with the aim of sticking to it and shedding unwanted pounds. But then, life happens, and we slip into old habits.

Swapping a sugary soda full of empty calories for a nutrient dense beetroot juice is a change that is much easier to stick to on a regular basis. All of these reasons are further evidence of beetroot juice health benefits for you!


Beetroot Juice Side Effects

While beetroot juice health benefits are numerous, there are things to consider. Does beetroot juice have any side effects? What are they? Well, yes, beetroot juice does have a few side effects you should be aware of prior to adding beetroot to your diet.

Regular consumption of beetroot juice can cause beeturia. Now, don’t worry, this is nothing harmful. It can be a little startling though as it can cause urine and stools to become pink or red in color.

The next couple of side effects can be concerning, however, so please play attention to these.

Beetroot juice can cause blood pressure to drop too low, particularly if you are prone to low blood pressure anyway. When you begin adding beetroot juice to your diet, be sure to monitor your blood pressure carefully until you see how it affects you personally.

Beetroot juice is also very high in oxalates. Oxalates are generally responsible for creating kidney stones. People that are prone to kidney stones should avoid foods high in oxalates.

Beetroot juice health benefits are numerous and do not come with a long list of side effects like medications. If you have questions regarding low blood pressure and kidney stones, talk to your doctor.

Beetroot Juice Side Effects

Let us Start Drinking Beetroot Juice

So you’ve read and assessed the beetroot juice health benefits, but what now? How much should your drink? When should you drink it? How do you prepare beetroot juice?

Next up, when should you drink beetroot juice?

Like with many juices, beetroot is best consumed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach for optimal beetroot juice health benefits from absorption of nutrients.

First things first, how much beetroot juice are we talking about drinking each day?

As with anything that we consume, different people have different tolerance levels for food and drinks. Generally, people begin with smaller amounts of beetroot juice mixed with other juices and adjust it over time. Many people do just fine drinking up to two cups per day.  However much you choose to add into your diet, you will still reap many beetroot juice health benefits.

Finally, how to prepare beetroot juice?

Begin with four, medium sized fresh, raw beetroots. Leave the green, leafy tops on them to really get the most beetroot juice health benefits.

Okay, so if you’re familiar with beetroot at all, you’re well aware of its vibrant red color. Well, if you’ve never prepared fresh beetroot yourself, take some precautions before you end up with hot pink hands and countertops! Cover your work surface with waxed paper and put on some gloves. If you don’t have gloves, have a lemon on hand to help remove stains.

Wash beetroot with a soft vegetable brush. Soak beetroot in white vinegar for 15 minutes to kill pesticides.

Peel beetroot with a vegetable peeler if you desire. The peels can cause the juice to taste bitter, but you do lose some of the nutritional benefit if you choose to remove them.

Cut beetroot, including the pink stalks and green, leafy tops, into the largest size your juicer can handle.

Follow your juicers directions to make your juice and reap the many beetroot juice health benefits!

Beetroot juice provides a host of essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients necessary for optimal health

Throw a Fruit and Vegetable Party in your Juicer

If you’ve read some of our other articles on juices, then you know by now that one great way of really taking advantage of juicing fruits and vegetables is to mix them into one juice!

Beetroot works really well with several other fruit and vegetable combinations. See below:

  1. Add oranges and ginger
  2. Add red cabbage, cauliflower and cucumber
  3. Or another combination with orange and ginger, also add kale, apple and carrot for an even bigger flavor punch!

Just remember, the more fruits and vegetables you play around with, the more combinations of both flavor and nutrition!

That Finishes Our Beetroot Juice Health Benefits Guide

Beetroot is definitely among the new, yet very old, crop of superfoods to get your hands on! Drink beetroot juice on its own or combine it with other fruits and vegetables to up your juicing game right away! Run, don’t walk, to the market today to grab some beetroot and take advantage of the many beetroot juice health benefits for your body!

Benefits of Drinking Beetroot Juice First Thing in the Morning

Benefits of Drinking Beetroot Juice First Thing in the Morning

If you haven’t already read or heard about the many benefits of drinking beetroot juice, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve done extensive research on the subject and the benefits are many!

Over and over it has been suggested by nutritionists that you get the most benefits of drinking beetroot juice first thing in the morning. Now we’re going to look at what those are and why!

Keep reading to find out more!


Benefits of Drinking Beetroot Juice First Thing in the Morning


What are the Benefits of Drinking Beetroot Juice First Thing in the Morning?

First of all, beetroot juice contains nitrates. Nitrates turn into nitrite and nitric oxide when consumed. Nitric oxide is responsible for widening and opening up your blood vessels.

Opening up your blood vessels increases the flow of oxygen throughout your entire body. As oxygen is able to flow much more easily and therefore quickly to your organs and muscles, you begin to feel much more awake and energized.

This uptick of energy means you can be more active and accomplish more throughout your day. All that good-flowing oxygen also promotes your stamina.


Benefits of Beetroot Juice First Thing in the Morning


Increase in stamina means you can do more, for longer! More exercise, more errands, more, ahem, other things too. This boils down to just another reason to start your day with beetroot juice.

Another one of the benefits of drinking beetroot juice first things in the morning is your cognitive functions. They are also boosted by your wonderfully oxygenated blood. You will be able to think more clearly and work more efficiently.

You can combine beetroot juice with other fruits and vegetables to get even more benefits. One of these combinations is beetroot, carrot and cucumber.

This combination aids in the digestive processes as a natural laxative. If you drink this first thing in the morning, you jump start your day with a clean colon and healthy gut.

Finally, one of the main benefits drinking beetroot juice first thing in the morning is that the benefits you receive are at their peak about 2-3 three hours after you drink the juice.

Meaning, by the time you drink your juice, get ready for your day, and get your morning started, you are really feeling all of those benefits kick into gear.


Drinking Beetroot Juice First Thing in the Morning Benefits


What are Some of the Benefits of Beetroot Juice?


Touted for hundreds of years as a medicinal. Beetroot juice has become a modern-day super-food and is widely used by athletes, particularly runners and cyclists.

Beetroot juice is a powerhouse root vegetable that hosts a voluminous number of nutrients. From essential vitamins and nutrients to phytonutrients, beetroot gives you a lot of bang for your low-caloric buck.

Beetroot juice lowers blood pressure, improves stamina, slows dementia, is a great source of potassium and high in cancer-fighting antioxidants.

There’s so many reasons to try adding some beetroot juice to your diet. Now we know how adding beetroot juice to your morning routine can be beneficial.

Are you in need of a juicer that can handle beetroot? Check out the best juicers here.


Beetroot Juice The Best Thing To Drink In Morning


No matter what time you drink beetroot juice you will get all of the same benefits, the vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants are still going to be there. But, you really get the most benefits of drinking beetroot juice first thing in the morning.


Beetroot Juice Side Effects

Beetroot Juice Side Effects And Benefits

Beetroot is a vegetable that has many health benefits. Beetroot can be used to help with liver diseases, lower blood pressure and more. However, as with any food or drink, beetroot can have negative qualities as well.

In the following article, we will look at beetroot juice side effects, how much you should drink and at what point is too much?


What are the Beetroot Juice Side Effects


What are the Beetroot Juice Side Effects?

For most people, beetroot juice is fine in moderation. However, there are a few people that may need to watch their intake or avoid it altogether.

Those that may need to avoid it are those with kidney problems and irritable bowel syndrome. For a few health concerns, consumers may need to keep in mind these beetroot juice side effects.

Beetroot can cause kidney damage or make kidney disease worse. Specifically affected are those that are more prone to kidney stones. This is due to the high density of the compound oxalate, which is responsible for forming stones.



Beetroot juice contains fructan, which is a FODMAP. Those sufferers of Irritable Bowel Syndrome are usually susceptible to symptom triggers that are known as FODMAPs.

It is recommended to begin consumption of beetroot juice to one-half to one ounce at first. In addition to combining that amount with other juices. If that amount is tolerable, you can continue to add more.

 Beetroot Juice The Best Thing To Drink In Morning
Lowers Blood Pressure

Beetroot juice lowers blood pressure, which is generally considered a good thing.

However, if you are already taking a medication to lower your blood pressure or are prone to low blood pressure, you may need to avoid or at least monitor how much you drink and how it affects your blood pressure.

Beetroot juice is high in sugar. Although, the way it affects blood sugar isn’t generally problematic. It would be wise to go ahead and monitor your blood sugar if you’re diabetic until you see how it affects you personally.

While completely safe, the pigments that make beetroot red can also cause a pink or red tint in your urine or stools. If you are concerned, take a couple of days to let the pigment flush out of your system.

If there is still a pink or red tint after 48 hours, you should consult your doctor as it is unlikely related to the beetroot juice at that point.


How Much Beetroot Juice Induces Side Effects?

Beetroot Juice Side Effects How Much To Drink

While there isn’t a magic number of how much beetroot juice will cause individual side effects, but if you’re concerned about any of the side effects discussed, start small.

Remember, begin with one-half to one ounce and work up from there and pay attention to potential beetroot juice side effects. What works for one person, may or may not work for you.


How Much Beetroot Juice is Healthy?

Once you determine that beetroot juice will work with any health issues you may have, or maybe you don’t have any of the health concerns discussed.

You should limit your beetroot juice intake to 8 ounces a day. That is 2 beets put through the juicer per each serving.



Ian Sommerville


There are many benefits to beetroot juice. This article isn’t to suggest prohibiting it from your rotation of juices altogether, simply a few things to keep in mind.

As with anything you can have too much of a good thin g. We all need to be aware of these possibilities for beetroot juice side effects.